Yukon Report

Title(s) Used

Health Care Assistant (HCA)


In Yukon only Yukon University offers the HCA program – on Full time bases only. Students can take 1-2 courses (selected) without applying but following year to take any further courses need to apply and be accepted to FT program.

The Program has hybrid delivery this fall semester: 2 theory + lab course face to face (F2F), 3 theory on Zoom (synchronous) and practicum on site.

Winter semester is slated to be all F2F, covid situation allowing .


No talk of registration or regulation at present




Unique Items

We follow the BC Provincial curriculum but have augmented with our own content to meet a northern context. We are not accredited through BC. 

Scope of Practice

Not provided

Employment Prospects

All/most of graduates are hired locally, often in same sites they did practicum placements. YG is main employer for long term care and home support worker positions. Normal process is our grads are hired as AOC (auxillary on call) then usually gain permanent jobs within 1-2 years. While AOC they work fulltime+ hours if they wish; there is no shortage of work.

Educator Group

Not provided


We are starting to see staff shortages in these practice sites now related to Covid exposures in community and recent mandatory vaccination policy for frontline/Government workers.