Title(s) Used
Continuing Care Assistant
CCA Certificate Programs are offered at:
- Private Career Colleges
CCA Registry is managed through Health Association of Nova Scotia. ( HANS) CCARegistry@healthassociation.nc.ca under the oversight of the Department of Health and Wellness (DHW) and the CCAPAC, the CCA Advisory Committee.
CCAs are not regulated by legislation or governed by a regulatory body; therefore, responsibility for issues related to public interest and governance rests largely with the employer. In the absence of a governing body, the NS Dept of Health and Wellness (DHW) provides oversight for the CCA program which includes the education certification process and CCA Registry.
The NS Continuing Care Advisory Committee (CCAPAC) governs the CCA program and makes recommendations to the DHW on all policy matters related to curriculum standards, certification and the CCA Registry. Health Association of NS (HANS), CCA Program Administration, functions under the direction of the NS Dept of Health and Wellness. Standards Compliance Assessment (SCA) process for all education programs is administered through HANS.
Administration of programs must be approved as a licensed education provider in NS.
Scope of Practice
Scope of Practice and Competency Framework, Published May 2019 by Nova Scotia Dept of Health & Wellness
Employment Prospects
Certified CCAs are employed in Long Term Care, acute care, community settings, and home care. Shortage of CCAs throughout Nova Scotia in LTC, community and homecare.
Educator Group
Continuing Care Assistant Program Advisory Committee (CCAPAC) CCA Educators Group, through HANS.
Recruitment and retention of CCAs into the field.
Pandemic has increased retention issues with labor shortages and increased challenges with maintaining workforce.