In addition to the overarching mandate points here are some specific goals the current Executive team voted on. As of December 2021, the highlighted goals have already been achieved.:

  1. To support research on post pandemic UCP workforce, education, programs that deliver
    different versions of UCP curriculum with detailed report in Fall 2021.
  2. To actively participate in discussions at all levels of government related to UCP shortage
    to begin immediately and to be reported on and documented moving forward.
  3. To establish stronger communication/collaboration with CiCan and federal government
  4. To re-establish and support provincial and territorial subcommittees including
    representatives from each to be part of the CACCE Coordinating Committee.
  5. To increase the CACCE membership by 50% by December 2020
  6. To delineate membership of Conference Planning Committee and General Membership
    by December 2020.
  7. To define leadership positions (Chair, Co-chair, Treasurer) with Role and Responsibility
    document by January 2021.
  8. To secure and store in an accessible online platform historical documents related to the
    CACCEs previous work by June 2021.
  9. To update the CACCE documentation (Terms of Reference, Membership Lists, website) by
    September 2022.
  10. To create a repository of educational materials and resources that can be shared across
    the CACCE network by September 2021.
  11. To invest in virtual conferences that will support the CACCE’s mandate by April 2021.
  12. To establish succession planning for continued success of the CACCE as it relates to
    leadership positions by Fall 2021.
  13. To establish award or recognition within the Association for the CACCE Educators by
    September 2022.
  14. To actively engage in research that outlines the evolution of the UCP role.