The CACCE is always look for opportunities to work with other organizations whether it be aligned with our association’s mandates or to leverage our member’s expertise on the support worker sector (including education, advocacy, legislation, and standardization).

Institute for Change Leaders

The CACCE is partnering with Olivia Chow and her team at the Institute for Change Leaders. Goals of this collaboration include facilitating advocacy workshops for members, UCP students and anyone else wanting to improve conditions in long term care facilities across the country.

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Canada

Established in 2014, HOSA Canada is the largest chartered association of HOSA outside of the USA. Students join HOSA through the local chapter at their school. As a HOSA member, students are provided with opportunities to learn about specific healthcare careers of interest to them as well as the healthcare industry by preparing for and competing in one of our 30 unique competitive events. The mission of HOSA Canada is to enable secondary and postsecondary students to become leaders in the healthcare industry by enabling future health professionals to acquire knowledge, skills training and leadership development through competition.

Social Research and Demonstration Canada (SRDC)

The CACCE approached the SRDC team with PSW specific research ideas. Expressions of Interest and Research Proposals are now underway.

The Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) is a non-profit research organization, created specifically to develop, field test, and rigorously evaluate new programs. SRDC’s two-part mission is to help policy-makers and practitioners identify policies and programs that improve the well-being of all Canadians, with a special concern for the effects on the disadvantaged, and to raise the standards of evidence that are used in assessing these policies.

Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan)

The CACCE is an infinity group of CICan and as such is often asked to provide consultation and expert input on projects.

2021 Activity

Building Capacity in Long Term Care Project

  • Creation and delivery of the Supportive Care Program(s)
  • Consultation on the Working Group and Advisory Committee of the National Occupational Standards

Life and Death Matters (LDM)

Life and Death Matters provides excellent competency-based palliative care education for PSWs. They offer a portfolio of teaching and learning resources, including texts, workbook, podcasts, videos, PPTs, lecture notes, instructor’s guides, and support to help with curriculum mapping.  

Resources are based on the national and provincial palliative care competencies and are regularly reviewed and approved by the Life and Death Matters team and advisors. Since 2005, over 200 colleges, universities, and organizations have chosen Life & Death Matters materials to support their students’ education. 

Palliative Care Education for Personal Support Workers

Health Care Canada

The CACCE partnered with Health Care Canada and CiCan (ACCC at the time) on these two published documents:

Environmental Scan 2012 and Reference Guide 2012

Ontario PSW Educators Group (OPSWEG)

This group was formally organized in early 2021 as a regional group of the CACCE. In Ontario there are two PSW educators groups. The Heads of Health Sciences PSW Coordinator Subcommitee (open to Coordinators only) and OPSWEG whose membership is open to all who teach in Ontario college PSW programs. Led by two PSW educators, Susana Burgos and Gennie Mae Sabeniano, the purpose of this group is to connect fellow PSW educators and to provide support related to group identified ‘educator challenges”. You are invited to visit their website – click here.