About the CACCE

How the Canadian Association of Continuing Care Educators (CACCE) began
A group of five Western community colleges approached ACCC in 2002 to seek support for a pan-Canadian meeting of educators of unregulated health care workers.
The result was a National Symposium for Community College Educators of Unregulated Health Care Workers, which was held in Ottawa (February 2004). Over 70 community college participants from across Canada met to dialogue about the challenges and barriers that exist across provinces/territories relevant to the education of personal care providers.
During the proceedings, support emerged for the establishment of an affinity group which eventually was named the Canadian Association of Continuing Care Educators (CACCE).
Over the past few years, CACCE has actively worked towards the development of national educational standards for personal care provider programs and in the process of doing so, has gathered information on core competencies across Canada.
To strengthen the quality, effectiveness and delivery of education for personal care providers by:
- Promoting linkages, exchange, discussion, and the regular sharing of information and resources among institutions regarding experiences and best practices in the education of personal care providers.
- Working with Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) to influence the identification of national skills and competencies to promote educational standards; skills transferability, and portability; and Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR).
- Collaborating with other health care profession educators to enhance curriculum for personal care providers and to promote career pathways and collaborative educational opportunities among professions/occupations.
- Enhancing public awareness of the significance of the personal care provider role.
5. Establishing working groups for various issues identified at regular conferences and meetings.
6. Liaising with industry partners and educational institutions on issues pertaining to education and human resource needs for unregulated personal care providers.
7. Organizing an annual educational conference, driven by the needs of the membership, for the purpose of face-to face networking, sharing of best practices, new programs and opportunities, and education sessions from lifelong learning experts.

CACCE members advocate for their students at the college/university, regional, and national level.
Activities include but are not limited to:
- Working with UCP program advisory councils
- Collaborating with regional UCP stakeholders
- Providing feedback and collaborating with CiCan on UCP related initiatives
- Writing articles and speaking to the media explaining the need for and recommending National UCP standardization.
Advocacy initiatives are always underway. Please contact us to be included on upcoming projects.