2021 was a stellar year in that we reinforced our regional representation to include all regions of Canada (except Quebec).  We tripled our membership database and will focus on strengthening the connections with our members in 2022.

Dedicated volunteers Lanette Nordick and Laura Bulmer worked alongside webmaster Jennifer Cook (Flavour Design) to revamp the look of our website. Meeting one of our goals creating an online environment for our members; we hope you will find the news, resources, and information on our website helpful and inspiring.

Wanda Roberts took the reigns on Twitter and has diligently been making weekly posts. Check it out… twitter- @cacce

If you missed our AGM, you could access the recording on our website.  After the business portion we were entertained by a comedian- Big Daddy Taz- a great way to celebrate the work we all do and to have some laughs!

Plans for our 2022 virtual AGM are underway. Stay tuned for details coming soon.