Initially, the CACCE statement of purpose involved promoting common core skills/competencies by sharing knowledge and expertise through national and provincial/territorial collaboration. Since then, the association’s purpose has expanded to include advocating for the those in the UCP role to be recognized for the value they bring to health care across the country.


Through networking and collaboration, the mission of the CACCE is to enhance the quality and standardization of education for unregulated personal care providers in Canada.


Responsibilities and Opportunities

  1. To inspire collaboration among the CACCE and CICan to influence change for UCPs across the country
  2. To advocate for the standardization of the UCP title, scope of practice and educational standards in Canada
  3. To increase and maintain the CACCE membership
  4. To encourage sharing of educational resources, promoting best practices in UCP education
  5. To advise CICan on current trends in UCP education, the work force, and current trends.
  6. To create opportunities for collaboration with CICan, member colleges, and appropriate regional governments responsible for overseeing UCP programs.
  7. To inspire and support research related to UCPs across the country.
  8. To support the creation and work of provincial/territorial subcommittees with chairs of these groups providing bi-annual reports
  9. To organize an annual conference, driven by the needs of the membership, for the purpose of face-to face networking, sharing of best practices, new programs and opportunities, and education sessions from learning experts.
  10. Establishing working committee/groups for various issues identified at conferences and meetings.

Resource: The CACCE’S STRATEGY 2025 (Reference 1) Accountability and reporting relationships

The CACCE communicates to the membership, who disseminate the information as needed.